5 foolproof weight loss tips for men

By Staff Reporter | Dec 03, 2015 | 06:00 AM EST

When people talk about diet and weight loss, there are some who immediately think that those are "women's things." The truth is those are not. Diet and weight loss are not just for women alone. There are men who need and want these as well.

Just like how there are women who find it difficult to lose weight, some men also have difficulties with this. This article will give men some effective tips on how they can shed a few pounds to be fit.


According to Men's Health, drinking tea is among the most effective ways to burn fat. Those people who regularly drink black, green tea usually have lower body fat and lower BMI compared to those who do not. If a person is not too fond of tea but needs to lose weight, then it is best for him to start getting used to drinking it. It will be his secret weapon toward a healthier and fitter life.


Instead of consuming too much carbohydrates, replace it with proteins. Carbohydrates can make a person become hungry much faster. Carbohydrates also cause a person to gain fat and weight. He will do a favor for his body if he chooses to replace his carbohydrates with protein. Protein focuses on making a person become lean. It also helps in suppressing hunger for a longer period of time compared to carbohydrates.

High-Intensity Exercises

Losing weight just by dieting and not doing even a single exercise is not good. Most often than not, the figure that the person achieves by doing this is not the figure that he is really aiming. That is why it is a must to exercise.

The Medical Daily pointed out how most people are stuck sitting in their office chair for eight to nine hours a day. This is not good for losing well and not good for a person's overall wellness as well. It is recommended to take even just a 10-minute high-intensity exercise routine a day. Even with just a 10-minute exercise routine, weight loss can be experienced within just a few weeks or a few months.


Some people choose to skip breakfast as part of their diet plan. This kind of diet plan is not effective. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If it is not eaten, then a person won't have the energy he will need to get through the day. He might also be very hungry at lunch that might lead him to binge eat. So, skipping breakfast is a big no!

Drink Water

It is very important to keep oneself well-hydrated all the time. According to Men's Fitness, when a person is dehydrated, his body might fool him that he is hungry even when he is not. To avoid eating whenever it is not necessary, it is best to drink water from time to time.


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