Scientists to use human skin to create drugs against skin cancer, infections

By Marnelle Joyce | Nov 16, 2016 | 13:09 PM EST

Many drugs were being manufactured to fight skin diseases. However, a new study said that human skin can be utilized to hinder skin disease progression.

A bacterium found on the skin delivers a protein that safeguards people from damaging elements. This can also be used for the creation of new drugs impeding skin cancer.

Researcher Rolf Lood, from Lund University in Sweden, revealed that the Propionibacterium acnes restrained the reactive oxygen species from inducing skin disorders. He proposes the bacterium has a notable capacity for new drugs opposing skin cancer.

The oxygen species has also the capacity to cause atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. The protein named RoxP from P. acnes fights the hazardous species. They act as a powerful antioxidant such as vitamin C and vitamin E.

"This protein is important for the bacterium's very survival on our skin," Lood said, reports Bioscience Technology. "The bacterium improves its living environment by secreting RoxP, but in doing so it also benefits us."

Moreover, he highlighted that human skin has distinct levels of P. acnes. Some people might generate fewer RoxP than others.

Lood and his squad intend to grasp the association between amounts of P. acnes and skin diseases. The group propose to undergo additional human examination. They want to recognize if a lesser amount of RoxP will indicate a higher chance of acquiring skin diseases.

The researchers will, likewise, perform a further study on laboratory animals. They purpose to see if RoxP also acts as a defense for them.

The examination will use mice exposed to UV radiation, an element that also induces skin disorders.

After the procedure, they will now analyze the result of exposed mice with RoxP and a group without the protein.

This is a hopeful study to cure skin cancers. Many infected individuals will be given a treatment. An injurious skin infection can now be eradicated.

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