Preview Of "Star Wars Rebels" Season 3: Episode 14 Released!
"Star Wars Rebels" is an animated television show on Disney Channel. This animated series was set under the plot of "Star Wars Episode III and IV. The show previously aired two seasons and started its 3rd season September last year. The series will air its 14th episode for season 3, soon. The upcoming episode of the show is entitled "Warhead".
In a report posted by Comic Book, the upcoming episode of the animated show will feature new characters. And the latest episode is going to be about the villains finally discovered the Chopper Base, where the rebels are currently set up. Terribly, it seems their latent base isn't so secret anymore, as an Imperial Infiltrator droid, altered as a broken protocol droid, and find the rebels because the main programming of the infiltrator reactivates.
Meanwhile,on a different report posted by Coming Soon, in the premiere episode of the TV series for the third season, that was aired last January 7.2017. One of the characters who came back in the story is Obi-Wan.The Star Wars fans will surely be excited on his comeback.
There are many Star Wars characters that have chimed with viewers, turning out to be popular fan faves, but it's competent to say that most are from the influential movies. Yet the Star Wars rule stands beyond the movie saga, and there are characters to be found in the Disney animated shows that are just as popular as the Skywalker family. Conceivably the most successful animated character is Ahsoka Tano, a novice of Anakin Skywalker and remarkable Jedi hero.
"Star Wars Rebels" is created and conceptualized by Dave Filoni (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Simon Kinberg (X-Men: Days of Future Past), and Carrie Beck. They are three of the most outstanding genuises in making animated and space opera themed TV shows and movies.