3 Healthy Snacks That Contain Loads Of Sugar As A Can Of Coke

By Marnelle Joyce | Jan 12, 2017 | 08:22 AM EST

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one illness that could lead to death in unattended cases. Having a healthy lifestyle and balance diet could help lessen the risk of Diabetes.

As per the AUTHORITY NUTRITION, lots of people are presently trying to reduce their sugar consumption, but it's hard to estimate how much sugar to intake. This is because foods contain invisible sugars such as foods that are thought not to be sweet and products marked with "light" or "low-fat."

The American Heart Association suggests that adult women should only intake a maximum of 25 grams of extra sugar a day. Adult men, on the other hand, should consume a maximum of 36 grams of additional sugar each day. However, one 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola certainly surpasses that amount at 39 grams.

According to a recent report from Press From, the following three health foods are packed with sugar.

Dried Cranberries 

Dried fruit is known to be healthy but its dehydration process concentrates the sugar within it. Cranberries are the most prevailing transgressor. Since these berries are typically sharp in taste, people need to add sugar to attain a pleasant taste. A not more than a handful cup of dried cranberries contains 29 grams of sugar.

Yogurt With Fruit 

Many brands find ways to dominate the natural health taste of yogurt. They add fruit with tablespoons of sugar and flavorings. Yogurts that are fruit-flavored can contain up to 45 grams of sugar per 12-ounce container, but some yogurt has no addition of sugar. It is better to indulge in Greek and Icelandic yogurts; they contain more protein, and they are not that sweet.

Sweetened Iced Tea 

When tea is packed with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, it turned to being unhealthy. People choose iced tea as a substitute to soda. A 23-ounce can of Arizona Iced Tea Lemon Flavor incorporates a great 72 grams of sugar. Kids very much like iced teas because it is sweet with many flavors to choose from.

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