5 Moves in Exercise You are Doing Wrong; How to Correct Them For Best Results

By Qudsia Ibrahim | Jan 13, 2017 | 00:27 AM EST

Exercises have great effects and benefits for the body and health but all the effort and sweating can go to waste if these exercises are not done accurately to serve the purpose.  Some moves in physical fitness sessions mostly go wrong and the fitness experts ask the active community to correct them.

Following are five exercises that need quick correction to reap the benefits of them.


Taking a small step for lunges exercise increases body weight on the knee and not the foot. The body also cannot go down to the low point that is needed for best benefits.  The best way is to take a long step and keep the ankle exactly beneath the knee. This way the body is able to lower down to the ground flexibly and knee does not suffer from unnecessary pressure.

Weight Lifting

 Hunched posture is another major mistake that most exercising community commit.  This is mostly because people lift the weight more than they can carry in a straight posture. This can create a lot of trouble for the shoulders and instead of benefits, people get the harm. Correcting this mistake is quite easy as everyone should lift the weight that he or she can easily carry with a straight posture. Starting from fewer repetitions is better than doing strenuous exercise and hunching because of fatigue, according to Cheat Sheet.


It is a difficult move in the exercise but it can make the posture excellent if done properly. The alignment of knees and feet should be accurate. While squatting the feet should be exactly beneath the knees and body straight above and not leaned forward. The movement of up and down should be straight.

Abdominal Exercise

Performing abdominal exercise is easy but still many do a mistake while doing them. Using only arms and not the back for propelling the body from the ground is highly important. Many people try to pull their bodies with their hands which is absolutely wrong. Hands must be tucked behind the head and contracting abs is the right way to move the body, reports Men's Fitness.


Planks are a tricky exercise. The whole body must be straight and flat. This strengthens the core muscles but if the body is not flat and half of the core is lifted before the other half, it can be painful and useless.  The toes of the feet and arms from elbows to the hands rest on the ground and then planks are performed with a straight body.

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