Sleep Deprivation's Terrifying Facts: How Dozing For Less Than Six Hours Affect Your Mood, Weight, Skin

By Caroline Soriano | Feb 14, 2017 | 22:00 PM EST

Sleep deprivation is an epidemic that most Americans experience. Aside from any possible health risks, not having at leat six hours of sleep in a row can wreck a person's fitness goals, relationships, and even career.

Martin Rawls-Meehan, CEO and co-founder of the sleep technology company, told Bustle that not having enough sleep means "an impaired ability to empathize, read others' emotions, make judgments, think about future consequences, and resolve a conflict." Therefore, lack of sleep affects our relationship with other people.

It also affects the person's judgment about a certain thing or event's importance. Professor Talma Hender, lead researcher, and her team discovered that the brain will fail and think of everything as a priority. In short, sleep deprivation creates mood swings.

Not having enough sleep can also cause crappy-looking skin. According to Elite Daily, there are plenty of evidence that shows how not having enough sleep is harmful to the skin. One person has even disclosed how her skin looks like a used plastic bag every night she gets lower than six hours of sleep.

Sleep deprivation also lets someone eat more than the usual. A recent study backs up the fact that not having enough sleep may likely cause obesity as the body's endocannabinoids are activated, making a person want to overeat even when not hungry. Not sleeping also slows down a person's metabolism, making someone fat.

"Long term, your body's metabolism changes because it doesn't intake food the same way, creating insulin resistance. This is when your body tends to store more of what you eat instead of processing it normally," sleep expert Dr. Dianne Augelli stated.

Therefore, sleeping for at least seven hours is necessary especially to those who are maintaining or losing weight. It's also important in all aspects such as physical, mental, and emotional. 

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