Spring Break 2015: 10 Health Tips for a Safe Vacation

By Staff Writer | Mar 30, 2015 | 12:07 PM EDT

No matter where your spring break vacation takes you, remember to take these safety tips with you for a memorable and fun trip.

1.) Stay Hydrated

With the season beginning to feel warm, it is important to hydrate yourself by drinking enough water. You can also drink fruit juices, smoothies, and other health drinks you prefer. Eating Well has a list of healthy summer drink recipes you can try.

2.) Use Sunscreen

Whether you're going to the beach, the mountains, or anywhere where you're exposed to the sun, remember to protect your skin from sunburn by using sunscreen. UTexas suggests minimizing sun exposure from 10 am to 4 pm even when you are using sunscreen. Never forget to put sunscreen on your ears, neck, and under your chin as well. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or as directed by the packaging especially after sweating, exercise, or swimming.

3.) Eat Healthy

Since spring break will be full of fun and adventures, make sure to refuel by drinking water, eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grain foods. According to Chef Mom, it is important to never overindulge in rich foods. Going on vacation does not mean you can take time off from your healthy lifestyle.

4.) Don't Drink Too Much Alcohol

If you must drink alcohol, remember to keep it to a minimum. Statistics from CDC about binge drinking shows that there are many health problems and injuries that could arise from it. Remember to know your limit and seek non-alcoholic alternatives you can sip on instead.

5.) Carefully Plan Trips Abroad

If you a're planning a vacation abroad, remember to talk to a health professional if there are vaccinations required for a specific country. It would also be a good time to ask for more medication if you're taking any for the duration of the trip. If you are allergic to certain foods, remember to do your research. The US Bureau of Consular Affairs has a travel check list you can use.

6.) Reconsider High-Risk Activities

Before trying out extreme sports or high-risk activities, make sure that you wear all the protective gear and equipment for safety.

7.) Protect Yourself and Consent is Mutual

Never forget to use condoms when you have sex. According to the CDC, latex condoms can help protect you against some sexually transmitted disease. Always remember to have sex with mutual consent.

8.) Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

When traveling to new places, be sure to be aware and stay with groups as a safety precaution, according to Tenessee Today.

9.) Check for Bed Bugs

If you're staying in a hotel, check the whole room for signs of bed bugs. Take a look at this bed bug check list from American Pest to help you out.

10.) Inform Your Family and Friends of Your Whereabouts

It is easy to lose track of time when you are enjoying your free time. Even if you're just going around the neighborhood or traveling, make sure to inform your relatives where you're going. Leave contact details and names of person you're meeting up with if possible.

For additional safety tips, check out this spring break safety sheet from SafeSpringBreak.org.

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