Viagra Pills Can Help Women Get Rid of Menstrual Cramps?

By Auj Lazaro | Jan 18, 2014 | 08:55 AM EST

Viagra pills are not just meant for men as a recent study discovers the potential of the blue pills being able to help women alleviate their troubles with menstrual cramps.

LA Times wrote that several researchers discovered that Viagra's main ingredient can help comfort women's menstrual cramps along with the treatment of erectile dysfunction. According to gynecologist Richard Legro, the ingredient sildenafil ciltrate seem to have a counterintuitive effect but has the capacity to dilate blood vessels.

Legro, as one of the lead authors too of the study made a hypothesis with his colleagues that when the main ingredient of Viagra dilates the blood vessels around the uterus area of a woman, then the improved blood flow can lessen the prostaglandins that cause the pain and cramps.

According to, the study concentrated on 25 women whose ages fall between 18 to 35 years old, all suffering from dysmenorrheal during their menstrual periods. More background information made by the study shows that dysmenorrheal cases lead to about 600 million work hours lost in an annual basis in the US. These figures were published in the Human Reproduction journal, November issue.

The more common relief medicines taken by women are the Ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory pills to treat menstrual cramps. However, it does not prove true to all female cases since there are some who suffer from side effects like ulcers after continuous use.

The researchers insisted though that the best method of treating menstrual cramps is by applying the Viagra through the vagina. "The vagina is an effective route for drug administration intended mainly for local action because delivering medication in close proximity to the target organ decreases the incidence of side effects," the researchers of the study stated.

The team of researchers led by Legro has submitted their grant to study to discover whether it is better to apply the Viagra vaginally or orally and the proper amount of dosages in numerous period cycles, Med City News wrote.

So what do you think of Viagra for menstrual crap treatment?

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