Quit Smoking and Start Living, American Cancer Society Offers Help to Smokers

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Nov 17, 2016 11:21 PM EST

American Cancer Society arranged 'Great American Smokeout' on November 17th to reach out to those smokers who are wishing to quit but cannot. Kicking the habit needs assistance and here is ACS to help!

A careful calculation at the Society says that from 42 million smokers of USA, 68% want to quit but unfortunately only 10% are able to make it really happen! Smoking is an addiction and according to studies, it is more addictive than heroin.

On this day the smokers are urged to put down their tobacco products and frame a plan for kicking the habit and stepping towards a healthier life.

In 2016, this was Society's 40th annual Great American Smokeout day. The Society offers a combination of tips to aid the smokers kick the habit successfully. The experts add that for quitting the habit of smoking three things are important: education, medication, and counseling.

Kern Golden Empire shares the tips of American Cancer Society:

  • Share your decision of quitting with friends and family.
  • Find any local organization's free or low-cost counseling service.
  • Treat the withdrawal symptoms with a medicine.
  • Remove items from your sight that remind you of cigarettes like ashtrays, lighters etc. Avoid smoker friends; smoking gatherings and spots.
  • Keep busy and stay calm. Pick a favorite hobby to fill your time.
  • Talk to your family doctor and formulate with him a plan for quitting.
  • At the time of smoke craving, take deep breaths and seek the support of only a sincere sympathetic friend or family member to help you get through.
  • Never fall the prey of famous quote "one doesn't hurt" but try to realize that this one can lead to a long time relapse.
  • Drink plenty of water and keep there a bottle of water with you everywhere.

iTechPost writes that smoking is a community danger. Hundreds of people die because of 'secondhand smoke.' There are plenty of evidence of smoke causing heart disease, lung cancer, and other health disorders in people who never smoke. Children are the most who suffer from secondhand smoke. 

The Society is adamant to encourage the smokers to step ahead and quit and hopes for a good outcome. Every year since 1976, the third Thursday of November is marked by the Society as "Great American Smokeout." 

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