Bad News For Antibiotic Users: Hacking Cough Can’t Be Cured

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Jan 09, 2017 08:03 AM EST

Antibiotics can easily cure cough and cold. But this fact is not true for the people of Wales. Currently, a huge number of people in Wales are suffering from a horrible hacking cough. The unfortunate fact is doctors have already declared that antibiotics can't cure it.

A good number of people among the victims are preferring GP surgeries to cure this. But doctors in Wales have declared that the surgery can't do anything as the antibiotics can't kill the viruses.

Dr. Anna Kuczynska told the Wales Online that GP is only a little bit helpful for those patients who are suffering from a hacking cough and also have lung or heart problem. But the best thing is patients with this health problem should take plenty of rest and need to drink plenty of fluids.

Dr. Anna Kuczynska also opined that patients who are suffering from breathless or weight loss or get blood for more than three weeks must consult the doctor.  The University Hospital of Wales has already noticed "a 25% increase in the number of ambulances" that are attending the hospital.

Local people are requested to attend the pharmacy or the NHS Direct Wales symptom checker. The most crucial fact is winter has arrived and bugs like flu and norovirus are throwing an impact on the hospital beds.

The interim chief operating officer for Cardiff and Vale UHB, Steve Curry has clearly said that the pressure for the health service is very high. He even thanked the medical staff who are working hard to tame the condition.

Steve Curry even added that public should also play a vital role by availing the available health services in the community. They can even attend the local chemist and optician for help. Preliminary treatment can help people to get rid of some ailments.

Medical Advice

The people of Wales are also advised to maintain hygiene to stop the spread of the common winter bugs. Even people are advised not to attend the hospitals if suffering from the flu or having "norovirus-like symptoms".

Plenty of rest with sufficient amount of drinking fluids is the best way to be safe from a hacking cough. Winter is engulfing with strong cold, so it is necessary to keep the body warm.

Some symptoms can easily detect a hacking cough. Fever with a cough is the first symptom. Breathing problems and vomiting tendency are two most essential symptoms that should be investigated properly.

The important fact is winter must bring two common health problems, cough and cold. But a hacking cough is not desirable. Antibiotics can't work to cure it. So it is necessary to follow the guidelines of the health service and consult the doctor to tame the problem. 

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