Improving Overall Health in 2022

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Jan 28, 2022 10:42 AM EST

(Photo : Jonathan Borba via Unsplash)

The past two years emphasize the importance of maintaining good overall health. The good news is, for the most part, you control your destiny. If your health isn't as good as it can be, take steps now to position yourself for a healthier tomorrow. Listed below are a few ways to help you get started.  

Annual Physical

When the country was locked down for over a year, routine health services were not available. Unfortunately, this also meant that doctors were not able to identify health issues in their earliest stages. Today, most practitioners are open and getting back to normal schedules. Take this opportunity and make an appointment to have the annual physical examination. Early detection of any illness is key to making a full recovery.

Importance of Dental Care

Good oral hygiene is essential to maintaining healthy gums and teeth. Similar to the annual physical, scheduling a full mouth cleaning two times a year will prevent serious issues. Identifying a cavity when it's barely noticeable will prevent the need for things like a root canal and crown or tooth replacement in the form of implants or dentures. If you live in Illinois, for example, make scheduling an appointment with a dentist in Lincolnwood a priority.

Physical Activity

The pandemic caused many to put on 10-lbs or more due to inactivity. If you are among the affected population, even a few pounds extra can lead to health issues down the road. Thankfully, you can remove the extra pounds and get back to enjoying life. Exercise is important in the development and retention of strong muscles and a lean physique. Join a gym and make a commitment to go at least 2 to 3 times weekly for a period of 35-40 minutes. If you prefer not to join a gym, you can burn calories and shed pounds by taking long bike rides, brisk walks, dancing, or swimming.

Healthy Diet

Your diet will ultimately determine how you look and feel daily. A nutritious diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, nuts, whole grains, and reduced amounts of saturated fats will give your body what it needs to remain strong. You'll feel terrific, have high energy and burn calories. Unfortunately, if you consume an abundance of fast/processed foods, you will lack energy, gain weight and promote health issues.   

Remain Positive

There's something about adopting a positive attitude that makes you feel good. While everything won't always go as you plan, remaining positive can work in your favor providing health benefits. It can reduce or eliminate stress. Instead of focusing on a possible negative outcome take an optimistic view. Positive thinking can improve stress and anxiety levels, reduce bouts of depression, strengthen coping skills and boost your immune system, building a resistance to seasonal colds and viruses.  

Mental Health

Millions of Americans experienced a decline in their mental health over the past few years. The uncertainty of the pandemic, when it will end and whether you will get sick or possibly lose a loved one, took a toll on your overall health. Unfortunately, therapists and psychologists were either closed or with limited hours available, leaving many people to deal with life's issues on their own. Today, most states have the basic health services open and back to pre-pandemic levels. Take the opportunity to seek professional help.

Plenty of Rest

A good night's sleep lets you wake up daily feeling energized, focused and content. Unfortunately, a lack of sleep will do just the opposite. You'll feel lethargic, depressed, anxious and have a short span of attention. If you have trouble falling asleep, try surrounding yourself with soothing, sleep-inducing scents like chamomile and lavender.  

The combination of a healthy diet, exercise, plenty of rest, and maintaining a positive attitude will promote a healthy existence throughout your life.

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