9 Yummy Vegan Dessert Recipes

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Jan 29, 2016 04:54 AM EST

Who would've thought that tofu can also be a valuable ingredient when it comes to recipes for dessert? What's great about it is that the protein-rich ingredient is more versatile than anyone initially thought.

For full-fledged vegan, these recipes would complete your diet. It's easy, it's scrumptious and it is 100% guaranteed pure vegan.

Vegan Lime Squares

A piece of vegan lime square is one type of dessert you shouldn't miss in your diet. While other desserts use food coloring to achieve the desired lime green color, this recipe from Veggie Inspired uses natural green colors from plant-based foods. The secret to the green hue of the dessert is avocado.

Blood Orange Creme Brûlée

Crème Brulee, a fancy dessert, is given a vegan twist in this recipe by An Unrefined Vegan. The cream and eggs in this recipe are replaced by blood orange juice and tofu to arrive to the mouth-watering dessert.

Vegan Marshmallow Cake

This delightful recipe will surely make a sweet-tooth vegan. According to Feasting on Fruit, the vegan marshmallow cake is extremely easy to make and it only entails three main ingredients and the crust. What's lovelier about this easy-to-make cake is that it requires no baking. More importantly, it's pleasant to your taste buds. Check out the complete recipe here.

Vegan Berry Pudding

Thinking about whipping up a last-minute dessert? This vegan berry pudding should definitely be on your mind. According to a recipe from Healthy Blender Recipes, the dessert will be ready in less than ten minutes. It can also be perfect as a school snack for your child. Any berries can be used to make this dessert, so find one that suits your taste.

Vegan Caramel Flan

This custard recipe that highlights caramel and vanilla flavors is purely vegan. Peta.Org provides the recipe that you can easily tweak to your preference.

Mint Chocolate Crème Pie

Mint chocolate lovers who are vegan, this recipe is for you. Just like the vegan lime square, this mint chocolate crème pie recipe from FitCakery uses natural foods to give the dessert the green color. To achieve the desired color, fresh spinach and mint were thrown in. The topping for this delicious pie is made from avocado-tofu cream.

Chocolate Pudding

Chocolate pudding is already a guilty pleasure in itself, what more if it's made from vegan ingredients? This recipe from Healthy Happy Life is not only a guilty pleasure, but it is also good for the health. With five ingredients, you only need to blend and serve this treat.

Vegan Lemon Curd

This recipe is not only vegan, it's also free from refined sugar, all thanks to the Unconventional Baker. It packs some intense flavor and it's a simple treat.

Vegan Red Velvet Cake

Red velvet cake is one popular dessert that it has been given an eggless version of the recipe intended for vegans. Desserts with Benefits shares the complete recipe.

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