Biggest Invention In The History Of The Insulin Development: Eliminate The Impact Of Diabetes Mellitus

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Jan 05, 2017 04:01 AM EST

The invention is the source of development in the human society. Researchers very recently developed chemically modified insulin, which is a great breakthrough in the arena of medical science.

A recently published article in the Journal of Biological Chemistry has confirmed the invention of chemically modified insulin. The article reveals that insulin provides a classical model that is essential for protein design in the body.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the greatest challenges that should be addressed more efficiently. New discovery can be the best answer to this challenge. It can decrease the impact of Diabetes mellitus thousand fold.

Scientific fact regarding the chemically modified insulin

An extensive research ultimately developed unique "pharmaceutical formulation". This formulation has proved that "iodination of a conserved tyrosine" increases the activity of the main properties that ultimately enhances the rapid activity of insulin.

Easy explanation of the scientific fact

Now the above-mentioned fact should be discussed easily. Actually, researchers at the University of Basel have discovered that if a hydrogen atom is replaced by an iodine atom in insulin, then the hormone serves better result.

A great number of people in the world are suffering from Diabetes mellitus. Even in some countries, it captures the role of an epidemic. So insulin is essential to eliminate this disease.

The pancreas is the source of insulin and it controls the blood glucose level in the body. Insulin is stored in the body as "a zinc-bound complex" with "six identical molecules". This structure is called hexamer.

The amazing fact is the physiological form of this structure is present as a single insulin monomer. When insulin is required in the body, then hexamer properly divides into monomer to control the glucose level.

Researchers want to develop unique insulin preparations to treat diabetes mellitus. This new chemical modification can improve the efficacy and availability of insulin. The new chemically modified insulin or the artificial insulin is unique in structure and properties.

Professor Markus Meuwly of the University of Basel has made an extensive research with the researchers from the USA and the Australia. The research team replaced a hydrogen atom by an iodine atom that regulates the intermolecular interactions.

The artificial insulin reacts more impressively

The molecular interactions increase the disassembly of insulin and enhance the release of insulin rapidly. The iodine atom increases the availability of insulin and simultaneously develops the functions of the insulin receptor.

Even all the functions remain unchanged when compared to the natural hormone. The blend of molecular dynamics simulation with quantum chemistry first discovered these properties.

The use of "crystallographic and nuclear resonance experiments" provide the evidence of the success of chemically modified insulin.

The use of the iodine atom is a great approach in the medicinal chemistry. The biggest revelation in the arena of protein engineering is the use of the chemically modified iodinated insulin or artificial insulin. 

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