Mobile Phone Shelters Microorganisms As Scientists Discover Three New Microbes On the Screen of This Tech Device

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Mar 10, 2017 10:30 AM EST

Mobile phones no longer belong to a clean family as scientists recently discover three new microbes on the smartphones' screens. A new research study raises concerns about these microorganisms.

Experts have previously suggested that mobile phones are dirtier than the toilet seats. These tech devices shelter some very harmful bacteria. The Huffington Post reported that scientists of the National Centre for Cell Science at Pune, India have identified three new species of microbes.

Research reveals that the microbes are present on the screen of the mobile phones. Researchers at the National Centre for Cell Science or NCCS say that the three microbes include two bacteria and fungus. Previously, Professor William DePaolo of the University of Southern California revealed three different bacteria on the toilet seats in 2015.

Shockingly, mobile phones contain 10-12 different types of bacteria and fungi. People now use this electronic device to perform all the works of daily life. Sweat is one of the key sources of the microbes that grow on the screen of this important device.

Yogesh S Shouche and his team of the NCCS collected samples from the screens of the 27 mobile phones. The team isolated 28 different types of fungi and 515 types of bacteria. The research team used the sterile saline solution and sterilized cotton swabs to wipe the surface of the phones.

They put the microbes that were collected from the surface of the mobile phones at 30 degrees centigrade to get the actual result. The scientists found two new species of bacteria and one new fungus. The six-member team named the bacteria as Lysinbacillus telephonicus and the Microbacterium telephonicum.

The name of the fungi collected from the mobile phones is Pyrenochaeta telephoni. Praveen Rahi, the co-investigator of the team opines that the microbes are not highly dangerous. They don't belong to the fatal drug-resistant superbug.

The Times Of India reported that currently, people of India use 900 million mobile handsets. This is a serious fact, as the devices can shelter a huge number of microorganisms. In a word, mobile phone users should be more conscious about the use of these electronic devices.

Very recently the World Health Organisation has unveiled that strong antibiotics have failed to tame twelve kinds of microbes. It is the need of the hour to invent new chemicals to tame and kill those super bugs. The WHO has opined that the increasing tendency of antibiotic resistance is making it difficult to avail several treatment options. This is a matter of acute concern for the mobile phone users.

To maintain the hygiene of the mobile phones, people should not carry the devices to toilets. Phones should be wiped with semi-dry clothes that contain soap water to make it germ-free. Clean and dry phones are best for the use. Cleanliness and hygiene can provide a sound lifestyle.

To know more about "Microbes", read Latinos Health.

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