Kevin Smith on 85-lb. Weight Loss: ‘Sugar-Free Diet and Fed Up Movie Did It’

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Jul 01, 2015 07:05 AM EDT

Last June 27, "Cop Out" director Kevin Smith has posted a before-and-after photo on Twitter with a caption, "Left: me and my kid in 2008. Right: 2 weeks ago, 85 pounds later", featuring his daughter Harley Quinn Smith and a skinnier Smith donning a pair of baggy jean shorts.

Celebrity Health & Fitness reports that Smith credits sugar-free diet and walking for his weight loss success. The director added that the documentary "Fed Up" has inspired him to live healthier and has even changed his perception about sugars.   

People Magazine writes that Smith has confessed to growing up in a household that allowed him to eat whatever he wants. With no guidance regarding healthy eating, he has carried this mentality to adulthood and he didn't realize it made him bigger and unhealthier until it was too late. 

Smith has admitted to have been fighting with weight issues for years through his unhappy posts on social media. A few years back, he has already lost 65 lbs. but due to binge eating, depression, and lack of discipline, he got back the weight later on.

Today, the director states that ever since he ditched the consumption of sugary foods like sodas, he has noticed a remarkable reduction in his weight and he has no intentions of stopping.

E! Online adds that Smith began his weight loss journey back in February. When he started losing 40 pounds, he then included a walking routine, which was simply walking his dogs on the hill outside his house. He has not considered any other forms of exercise because he felt that he's not a "50 reps kind of guy". He has, however, also tried drinking green juices to supplement his diet change. 

The Examiner reports that the the director's determination to control his weight has probably been triggered when he got kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight for being too heavy back in 2010. The incident has caused Smith to vent his humiliation on social media, telling his followers that the true issue that needs to be addressed is the way the airlines handle its overweight passengers. 

Entertainment is a highly stressful industry and the director needs to focus more on his routine, to keep following his diet change, and to continue modifying his lifestyle. His pal, Scott Mosier, is now even encouraging him to work with a trainer. However, the director thinks its better if he takes it slowly as he feels he's not there yet.

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