A new study has found that men are inferior at juggling two activities compared to women under the age of 60. The researchers found that when compared to women, men are inferior at multi-tasking.
The researchers found that mushrooms contain bioactive compounds that could play a role in decreasing or delaying the development of neurodegeneration.
Samsung has confirmed that the Galaxy S8 will be released anytime soon. The developer revealed that the flagship device is coming soon after applying to the United States Patent and Trademark Office to register a new mobile device.
The Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) has postponed a summit previously scheduled for next month on climate change and public health ahead of President Donald Trump's inauguration.
A recent united states study suggest that E-cigarettes does not lead to a decline in teen smoking and the devices may actually account for a higher risk of teens shifting to smoke the traditional cigarettes.
A recent study finds that the death rate from cervical cancer in the United States is considerably higher than previously thought and the disparity in death rates between black and white women is dramatically wider.
A recent study conducted on rhesus monkeys give an insight as to whether restricting calories elongates life span. The study shows that it is highly probable that humans could experience the same benefits for a longer life.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says a virus which is not common in the U.S. recently infected eight people in Illinois and Wisconsin.