A research team has now discovered a tiny sensor that can generate energy with the stomach acid and can sense several psychological conditions.
Selena Gomez attends the panel of an upcoming show and reveals the difficult time of her own life as the characters of the show indicate some similarity.
Famous tennis player Serena Williams share words jokingly about her sister Venus Williams and utters that she hates her because of her thin Physique.
Preparation is going on to create a computer chip that can survive in the environment of Venus.
Jellyfish creates a great panic at the Great Barrier Reef as a number of tourists lost their lives in three months.
Kate Middleton recently attended a campaign about children’s mental health awareness that raises concerns about her marriage problems with Prince William.
A comparison between Justin Bieber and The Weeknd explores many important facts as number unveils many truths.
‘The Happy Song’ is a new invention to soothe or amuse babies and it also explores many essential key features.