NASA is testing its new system that will help out the exploration in the red planet. Finding more accurate details about in the life existence and expanding the horizons of understanding about Mars using Lidar.
A brine pool found in the Gulf of Mexico is dubbed as a "Jacuzzi of Despair." Poisonous methane and hydrogen sulfide that does not mix with water and with 65 degrees Fahrenheit make this site as an alien environment.
Rumors on Microsoft Surface Phone 2016 release will be on April 2017. With a revolutionary features, Surface phone aims to dominate in the market aiming for business users.
Microsoft UK took the opportunity to make an advance celebration of the Black Friday an all-time bash. Xbox One along with two selected games, were put into up for grab in Microsoft stores for only £179.
Implants that work through a computer to communicate and enable brain signals to jump over the point of injury towards the spine. As the signal touches the spine, it stimulates the nerve within the legs of the two monkeys as the brain commands, hence, made able to walk.
NASA's curiosity rover once again sends image from the Martian planet. UFO researchers concluded that it is an alien technology popping on the rock surface.
John Boyega in Star Wars: The Force Awakens revealed the sequel of Pacific Rim in his Instagram. Boyega will play the role of Stacker Pentecost's son who died in the first film.
Chronic health illnesses face medical experts a greatest threat to childhood cancer survivors. Sadly, this chronic illnesses seems never resolved.