Skincare is not only women's business. Men need to take care of the skin equally well but they commit a number of mistakes which effects their skin badly.
Penile implant with new technology is a simpler and more reliable method to restore a man's lost manhood. This heat-activated solution is more efficient, too.
'Girl Meets World' has hammered the final nail in its coffin with important information from lead actor; Uncle Shawn.
Mothers can reduce the risk of asthma and wheeze in the first five years of life in their children by taking Omega 3 supplements in their diet in the second half of their pregnancy.
New liquid biopsy method enables the doctors to detect cancer in very early stages when a tumor is not even formed. This helps early and easy treatment of the deadly disease and more lives are possibly saved.
The Governor Earl Roy Tomblin has officially announced the termination of Taylor's job as a director. This is to ensure to discourage racism in the state.
With the help of genetic engineering, regrowth of lost limbs is possible. Geneticist Michael Levin grew another head to a flatworm successfully. This method can be used for regrowing human limbs in a few years.
Hollywood stars have found an easy short cut to losing weight. In Shape House, modern technology is used to let a person sweat for 55 minutes in the bed. The method improves skin condition and mood.