As first world governments, like the UK and the U.S., continue to downplay the threat Ebola poses to the non-African world, more evidence is mounting that the virus continues to spread outside of the African continent in spite of first-rate medical care being administered.
Sherlock won three Emmys back in August for its two acting leads, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, and also for its writing.
The singer surprised the audience with an impromptu process of shedding his clothes at the event.
The James Bond movie villain has died at the age of 74.
What used to be a private sanctuary for families of 9/11 victims is now open to the public.
Johnson & Johnson is withdrawing from the global market a device used during hysterectomies and other uterine procedures after reports that it may spread and accelerate the growth of undetected cancer inside women.
A new study found that women who recently used certain birth control pills that contain a high level of estrogen were at an increased risk for developing breast cancer, compared to women who did not use such contraceptives.
You know those butterflies you feel in your stomach when you're nervous, or the knots you have in your shoulders when you're tense? Scientists in Finland want to map them.