The Coalition's "Gears of War 4" is reportedly an Xbox One exclusive game and many have been anticipating its release for this year. It is rumored that instead of having four in-game characters, the game developers will only provide two.
While chickpea is best known for being a side dish, this legume is actually rich in fiber, folic acid, protein, and manganese. With that said, maybe it's time to promote chickpeas as a worthy health food on its own. Here are 8 delicious ways you can incorporate chickpeas in your meals.
For those who are ever-frustrated with weight loss plans and diets, there might be new hope in "DNA Diet." Here are some things you need to know.
Renée Zellweger finally addresses plastic surgery rumors by saying she's more fulfilled and happy as she opted to keep quiet at what critics and bashers had to say about her changed appearance.
Photos of Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange have come out, and the English actor has never looked more mystical. Peek at the photo here!
Holidays are a time for family and bonding with them. One of the best ways we bond with our family members is through food, wine and endless cheer.
The mosquito-borne illness Zika virus has been making rounds in the news because it causes brain damage among Brazilian newborns. However, diseases carried by mosquitoes are not new and some of these are even more dangerous than the Zika virus.
Transplant surgeries are life-saving medical procedures that give an ill patient another chance at life by receiving a replacement organ from a donor. Modern medicine has made great strides with numerous transplant surgeries that have only been done this year.