Studies claim that specific types of game can help make gamers smarter.
Researchers find that children with ADHD who take medication are more likely to be bullied than children who do not have ADHD.
According to the Washington Post, the figures in 2011-2013 wherein 1.25 percent (one in 80) of American children from three to 17 years old were diagnosed of autism has gone up by around 80 percent in 2014. This is based on the latest National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which involves parents of 13,000 children.
A study suggests that babies who were born prematurely may have caused them to have weaker brain connections which can make them develop cognitive issues as they grow up.
A new study that was presented at the national meeting of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics discovers that stimulant meds can now be used safely and effectively in children with CHD and ADHD.
New study states that more children younger than six years old are diagnosed with ADHD, a clear evidence that parents, teachers and doctors are doing their best to detect the disorder at an early age.
According to recent findings, head injuries has been associated with a type of secondary ADHD in children.