Brain helps the eye muscle to reposition the misalign visuals.
A study conducted by the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) in Austria about the memory formation in the brain. The study finds out that hippocampus, the so far believed part of the brain to store memory is not the only part of the brain to create memories.
Human brain continuously makes predictions and maps it with the incoming outputs. Researchers train systems with Mooney faces to recognize the mechanism how human brain recognizes faces.
There are other ways to manage back pains but morphine certainly does the job better.
Scientists have finally been able to make an artificial brain.
A study published in the journal Neurology has found out that diabetes can affect the brain by reducing cognitive functions, leading to a decline in one's ability to perform daily activities.
A study has recently found that chronic depression can result in a smaller hippocampus, the portion of the brain in charge of new memories.
Air pollution may be harming the brain.