Reserachers reveal a potential therapy which might be an alternative to the harmul effects of 'chemo brain'.
Ever since the past few decades, the rate of breast cancer patients has increased rapidly. Here's how you can reduce the chances of breast cancer by introducing simple changes in your lifestyle.
Aspirins are said to be the "wonder drug" to ward off cancer yet how it would is still unknown. Thankfully, a group od Texas researchers had found out how aspirins would aid in being a cancer drug.
Cancer caused deaths are high because the genes that spread the cancer tumors are still not targetted but this will be solved as scientists have found those genes and with more studies, a therapy will be maintained for killing such genes.
cancer can be prevented and fought against with fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds etc. Food should be less processed to keep its nutrition value safe.
Danish researchers have accidentally discovered that an experimental malaria vaccine can kill off cancer tumors.
A new scientific study takes a different approach in treating cancer by targeting genetic mutations instead of where the tumor starts in the body.
Findings in a study demonstrate that T-cells derived from patients with melanoma can generate a protective immunity response against the disease.