New research has found that prostate cancer survivors that eat the typical American diet that consists of red meat, cheese and white bread are far more likely to see their cancer come back and even kill them, and they are much more likely to die sooner compared to patients who eat a much healthier diet.
The evidence continues to mount on the positive effects of breast feeding. From preventing allergies to reducing obesity chances, there are many studies that demonstrate the benefits of breast feeding. New research published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics now suggests that breast feeding also lowers the risk of childhood leukemia.
In a recent clinical trial, more than half of the terminal cancer patients participating have experienced significant shrinking of their tumors, and in some cases, their complete disappearance. The new class of immunotherapy drugs appears likely to be a game changer for cancer sufferers. The research was announced at the recent annual conference of the American Society of Clinical Oncology where it was described as "spectacular."
New research has proven that drinking green tea may help prevent prostate cancer in men who have a high risk of developing the potentially life threatening disease.
Nail polish and other nail care products contain hazardous chemicals that can seriously affect health. According to an expert, nail polish and other similar products contain toluene, formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate also known as the "toxic trio."
A health report has found that the leading cause of death in Hispanics are cancer and heart disease.
A new research uncovers much more evidence that breastfeeding is healthy and highly beneficial for mother and child.
A new study has shown that those who lack vitamin D in countries with little sunlight may have a higher risk for pancreatic cancer.