CDC and local health units are in the works of finding a promising cure for Candida Auris infection.
This specimen could penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream causing a more serious infection.
Most studies discovered that autism was mainly caused by genetics.
The CDC is reporting that flu cases are starting to spread in the US. Health officials announce that a number of these cases have led to deaths, with two children dying this week due to flu-related complications.
CDC started a project which is called the "winnable battles" to address overall health problems and to provide a better management on them.
In the United States alone, about 130,000 Americans die each year from strokes. In fact, it is one of the top five leading causes of death in the country. One American suffers from a stroke every forty seconds; and every four minutes, a stroke has taken away one life.
Researchers from the University of Liverpool have inched closer to developing a more accurate diagnostic test using a gas chromatography sensor system called Odoreader that functions like an electronic nose that could smell cancer in men's urine.
The Zika virus is being carried by mosquitoes, but another concern regarding the possible transmission of the virus has surfaced when health officials in Brazil were able to detect Zika in the saliva and urine of patients.