Keep your hunger and blood sugar levels under control with these convenient snacks.
A new study has linked the gene KLF14 to a woman's body shape and her chances of getting diabetes.
A new study links snoring, sleep apnea to increased risk of diabetes in seniors.
Downing 1 to 2 cans or bottles of sugary drinks with high-fructose content such as soda, fruit drinks, energy drinks and more may increase risk for stroke and diabetes, and may lead to weight gain, a new study revealed.
Swedish researchers recommend that obese type 2 diabetic patients should be prioritized for bariatric surgery.
A Houston doctor treats a three-year-old Hispanic girl who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. He warns of the global epidemic that is affecting a younger age group.
A study claims that almost 50 percent of adult Americans are either diabetic or pre-diabetic.
Not getting enough sleep is not only taxing to the body and makes us feel tired throughout the day with work or school, it also has startling negative impacts on our health.