Most studies discovered that autism was mainly caused by genetics.
Late-life cycler genes help to protect people from stress. It appears to become active and responds to some of the stresses commonly in aging such as the degradation of neural functions, memory loss, and other problems.
A new study has debunked the argument that males only pass on genetic material to their children. It found that a father's diet has an influence on his son's ability to out-compete a rival's sperm after mating.
Genetics proved that the genes of a mouse's cage mate can affect its own health and many other ways.
A new study finds that human immune systems are influenced more by their environment and behavior rather than by genetics.
Researchers from MIT and Harvard University have discovered the "obesity gene" that makes people fat. This could pave way for new discoveries and methods to developing weight-loss treatments.
A new study shows a link between cerebral palsy and genetics.
Researchers have found that there is a genetic link between intelligence and a longer lifespan.