Health professionals reveal that cardiac arrests can be avoided easily, by consuming three ounces of peanut regularly!
Over the years, scientific findings that have focused on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases has shown a potential benefit of omega-3 fish oil supplements among people who are at risk of dying from heart disease.
A team of researchers has been able to measure oxygen consumption in the legs of heart failure patients. Their findings will provide additional insight into the syndrome.
Scientists from the Harvard University and Boston Children Hospital introduced the robotic sleeve, a new device aimed to help the heart pump normally without the risk of blood clots and bleeding.
These terms may look similar but they are not synonyms. A heart attack is a circulation issue while a "cardiac" arrest an "electrical" problem.
A new study revealed that cardiac defibrillator implants increase the survival rate of men and women with heart failure.
The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care has released a primary report on the disease management program for chronic heart failure patients.
Figures of a new study regarding the benefits of lower blood pressure have now been revealed.