The LGBT rate among the adults in U.S tend to be higher when compared to the survey conducted in 2012 by Gallup. Through the survey more than 10 million adult in U.S was identified to be LGBT.
African Americans have the highest HIV incidence among other races and young black gay and bisexual men have lower ongoing care rates than Whites and Latinos.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday that gay conversion therapy will be banned because it is a "hateful and flawed" practice.
The members of bisexual community in the United States is increasing and they are proud of it.
Sexually transmitted diseases including syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea have increased rapidly over the years that the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention have deemed it "alarming."
The Obama administration helped signal boost the petition in order to stop parents from subjecting their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) children to conversion therapy practice.
Indoor tanning remains the highest contributing factor for melanoma skin cancer among gay and bisexual men, according to a new study.