Brown fat is healthy that could help in reducing obesity through its energy-producing action.
Thyroid cancer rates were found tripled between 1975 and 2013.
A recent study conducted by Overseas Development Institute(ODI) has said that obesity is higher in developing countries than rich countries. The countries include Latin America, Middle east and north Africa.
Brain Prize 2017 winners Peter Dayan, Ray Dolan and Wolfram Schultz said foods high in calories should be sold in plain packaging because it stimulates people to buy goods and exposes them to overeating.
Would you like to know whether being fat and healthy at the same time is possible? Learn more about health and obesity here.
Weight loss surgery is an effective solution for all the people with obesity issue.
EnteroMedics based in Minnesota has created a palm-size neuromodulator that is surgically implanted into the stomach to block the communication between the stomach and the brain.
Researchers reveal that having impulsive personality can lead to weight gain.