The controversial IFV treatment "three-parent" used for removing mitochondrial diseases have been a controversial breakthrough since an infertile Ukrainian woman gave birth using the method.
A study conducted by the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) in Austria about the memory formation in the brain. The study finds out that hippocampus, the so far believed part of the brain to store memory is not the only part of the brain to create memories.
Even though we know it, Time Travel like concept doesn`t exist in reality, yet we have every right to taste the travel through the fibers of time side by side with James Gleick in 'Time Travel.'
An international researcher discovered a fossil of tomatillos in Patagonia stones, Argentina. The fossils found still belongs to the nightshades or the Solanaceae which includes eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, tobaccos, potatoes, and petunias which have been existed fifty-two million years ago.
Science papers and research with blockbuster results mean nothing until they are supported by meticulous study and conclusive results. Here are some quick ways to spot which science papers are worth your time, and which are not.
Ayurveda is a traditional and holistic method of treating health issues but its validation by modern science is often questioned
Its the world's first technological innovation where carbon emissions can be coverted into useful chemical thereby not only reducing the pollution footprint but producing something useful in the process. Along with a massive solar energy driven plant, these climate-concerned indian innovations are the need of the hour.
While there are many theories behind the extinction of Dinosaurs, their inability to hatch the eggs quickly may be the real reason