Some states have already submitted propsals to impose the warning.
Soda and any other sugary drinks can cause serious health risk.
Is drinking soda one of your favorite go-to drinks? Some people have developed the habit of consuming these fuzzy, sugar-filled drinks in a regular basis. However, soda is not actually doing anything good to your health and waistline. Here are some ways to say goodbye to softdrinks and live a healthy soda-free lifestyle.
Food photographer does an experiment to create visual representation of the amount of sugar in soda and other drinks.
A recent survey discovers that 62 percent of American adults are now trying to avoid consuming soda as opposed to what they practice a decade ago.
Regardless of a person's weight, sugary drinks may contribute to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a new study found.
The consumption of sugary beverages such as soda, sweetened iced teas, and energy drinks may lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths each year globally, a new study says.
Drinking soda once in a while may be okay but overindulging by consuming pop everyday may adversely affect your health in a number of ways.