Many men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction are now undergoing stem cell treatment to solve their sexual incapacity.
Buck Scientists restore long-term vision in blind mice, making a case for addressing the immune systems' role in rejecting transplanted cells.
The researchers from many parts of the world have expressed strong desire to flourish Stem Cell research to a next level. They laid down the proposal to seriously reconsider the ethical and cultural issues surrounding the Stem Cell research and move forward in the direction to openly talk about creating humans from stem cells.
In a healthy adult male, sperms replenish itself constantly. A research at Kyoto University has found the gene is stem cells which is responsible for this replenishment. This can lead to new infertility treatments for males with low sperm count.
The world's largest public stem cell bank opens its doors for business through the collaboration of CIRM, Cellular Dynamics and Buck Institute for Research on Aging.
New finding could accelerate research to regenerate damaged tissue