Blocking ultraviolet rays are as tough as it could be. Although many people are enjoying the sunlit escapades, one should be aware of the dangers of UV rays making the umbrella and sunscreen as the top priority list.
In the Brazilian state of Goias, situated in the center of the nation and home to the national capital of Brasilia, residents’ expressions in the sunbaked hills of Araras are all but non-existent. Blood-red eyes peer through twisted expressions, across faces scorched and scarred by the sun. Home to a very rare, and very dangerous genetic skin disorder, Xeroderma pigmentosum, the residents of Araras have become “children of the night” as they evade the excruciating effects that sunlight has on their dermal layers.
DALLAS, March 16, 2014 - Sunlight plus a common titanium pigment might be the secret recipe for ridding pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other potentially harmful pollutants from drinking water.