It was believed the day when Prince Harry has arrived after seeing each other, he left his apartment wearing a hood, and flew back home to London. At 6:30 pm, the Prince took a British Airways flight from Toronto to London, arriving at 6:25 am.
The first forearm transplant in Canada was successful.
One of the hackneyed and widely-used alibis that we commonly use in order to justify our latest skipping of our intended pre-scheduled workout is the lack of time. We are just too busy to sweat our shirts off and, in turn, we are not shedding those unwanted and appallingly-looking flabs in our bodies. In order to address this, there are now those latest fitness ideas that were designed to help you cut back on some pounds—and, all you'll ever need is a minute spare of your precious time. Check out this seven one-minute weight loss secrets.
New performance-enhancing drug is being used by cyclists Carlos Oyarzun and Fabio Taborre. The two cyclists are on suspension for using the substance.