People who suffer from symptoms of arthritis can benefit from doing yoga three times a week.
Supermodel Cindy Crawford slams controversial raw photo of hers during a Marie Claire photoshoot and calls it "malicious", while she shares her age-defying beauty, fitness and diet secrets.
Ashley Judd reveals how she maintains her perfect physique.
Millions of yoga practitioners across the world took part in the International Yoga Day on Sunday.
A research from the University of Pennsylvania found that most types of light exercise could contribute to a good night's sleep.
Listed below are some tips on stress management and burnout prevention for a better summer experience.
For some people, yoga is used to achieve peace of mind and relaxation, but did you know you can use various yoga poses to shed off a few extra pounds and stay fit?
While you know that yoga is good for your body do you know how to relax yourself with simple moves right at your desk? Here are few yoga poses that will help you relax and reboot yourself amidst work.