Many researchers and scientists has been in search of the reason for such high rate of heart attacks in the month of January. The rate of heart attack and other cardiovascular death tend to reach its peak all around the world in the month of January.
These days majority of people across the globe tend to suffer from cardiac problems.Find out how you can prevent the caridiac arrests wihout operation even with clogged arteries.
There are many symptoms of heart attack that are different for women than men. There must be enough education given to women so that they are cognitive of their personal risk factors.
Diabetes has quite badly engulfed the health of people in the United States.
Carrie Fisher's death shows another side on women's health, especially their hearts. Find out here about what dangers that haunts women's life
These terms may look similar but they are not synonyms. A heart attack is a circulation issue while a "cardiac" arrest an "electrical" problem.
A cheap blood test can now predict which apparently healthy person is at high risk of heart attack.
Alcohol intake, whether light or moderate, may be good for some people but it also affects heartbeat irregularly. Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests that moderate drinking is only up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men.